Even with the countless means of communication that companies can use, word of mouth remains a key point.
In this interesting article published on Caplena's Blog, we see how to measure word of mouth through the NPS and how to use this data.
Even with the countless means of communication that companies can use, word of mouth remains a key point.
In this interesting article published on Caplena's Blog, we see how to measure word of mouth through the NPS and how to use this data.
Sapevate che le persone sono inclini a conferire più valore e a pagare di più per un prodotto progettato o realizzato da sè, rispetto allo stesso prodotto progettato o realizzato da un'altra persona?
Da Ninja Marketing un interessante articolo sull'effetto Ikea: https://www.ninjamarketing.it/2019/07/11/effetto-ikea-fatica-sforzo-soddisfazione-ux/
Qui il paper The “IKEA Effect”: When Labor Leads to Love degli autori Michael I. Norton, Daniel Mochon, Dan Ariely: https://www.hbs.edu/faculty/Publication%20Files/11-091.pdf
An interesting interview with Fernando Machado, Burger King CMO's: "Expectations today, especially among younger generations, dictate that companies and brands have to do more than sell them stuff."
Here the full interview: click here
An interesting study by Future Thinking about the Food Ethics, a new important variable for consumers.
Here the results: click here
Un'interessante intervista a Seth Godin rilasciata al Sole 24 Ore in occasione del lancio del suo nuovo libro: qui il link all'intervista
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